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I am happy to share the algorithms I have developed and the experimental data I have collected in the course of my research. Should you have any question or wish to develop this further, feel free to contact me.

Control-based continuation (CBC)

Control-based continuation was pioneered a few years ago at the University of Bristol by Jian Sieber and Bernd Krauskopf. Dr David Barton has created a repository where existing CBC algorithms are available here.

CBC relies on a feedback control loop running in ‘real time’. This can be implemented on standard platforms such as Dspace – a Matlab interface allowing to link CBC algorithms and Dspace is available here. Personally, I most often use a custom open-source hardware created by Dr David Barton.

Drawings and related codes can be found here. To investigate the method in a numerical environment, the experiment can be modelled in Matlab Simulink. The following interface can then be used to link and test CBC algorithms.

Research papers’ experimental data

  1. L. Renson et al. Robust identification of backbone curves using control-based continuation. JSV 367:145-158, 2016.
  2. L. Renson et al. Experimental tracking of limit-point bifurcations and backbone curves using control-based continuation. IJBC 2017.